Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy Halloween

This year for Halloween we did our normal Star Wars theme.  I update my Princess Leia costume and Phil went as a Jedi.  Pete did get to change it up and took over Phil's roll as Luke Skywalker this time.  He was in love with the light saber that he got to carry around with him!  Pete wasn't just any Luke Skywalker though, he was specifically the Luke from Dagobah carrying Yoda on his back! 
   It was super fun costume and was easy to make the bulk of it except for the Yoda on his back.  It was a bit tricky and took me awhile to work on earlier in the year since I knew what I wanted to do for Halloween pretty early this time around.  I took one of the kid leashes that looks like a dog backpack and ripped apart the dog and used it for a pattern to make yoda changing up the ears and the nose a bit.  The nose really was the hardest part because I couldn't get the shape quite right with the pattern I was using without messing up the head.  I went ahead and left a bit of a dog snout shape to it because it was easier and looked better than some of my other attempts at "fixing" it.  I then used the same straps from the dog back pack leash and just replaced it with the homemade Yoda.  It worked out well to have the leash on him so he could have some freedom and walk around while trick-or -treating without his hand going numb from having to hold mine the whole time. 
   This year we tried something new to us and went to the downtown trick-or-treating and costume contest.  The weather was decent and Pete entered into the costume contest.  He won 3rd place in the funniest category for his age group!  I'm super thrilled with it since I did put time and effort into it and he got a cool new pig flashlight for his prize!  I have some better pictures but not on this computer right now so I'll post some more later.

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