Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Family History

Our church is big into family history, well maybe big is an understatement, just a bit.  Anyway I'm not really into it too much.  Though I do like adding pictures into the family history website for my family.  Luckily my mom has loads of pictures and I have the technology to easily add the picture to their information so those doing research and connecting the families can actually see that these people had real lives.  I can handle that, looking up people to add into the family tree, not so much.  So here are some of the gems that I uploaded the other day.
see below
This is my great-grandfather

This is also Percival with the Cello.  He paid his way through college playing, only to loose a couple fingers in an accident afterwards never to play again.

This is Gottlieb David Hueber, he's my great great grandfather and was born in 1871!

This is Percival and Nora's namesake Eleanor with their daughter Joan my great aunt.

This is Eleanor's teaching license. 

Here's grandma and grandpa Horn with my dad when he was a baby.  I totally see Ben and Brig in this picture.

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