Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Time

Well 'tis the season.  We've had our tree up since the day after Thanksgiving, along with our beautiful homemade tree skirt.  I've had the scented pine cone garland up over the doorway to the  dining room.  The stockings are made and are ready to hang up on Christmas Eve.  All of the presents are wrapped and ready to go to the various houses for Christmas with the family.  Pretty much it's go time.

Last year I'll admit it I wasn't too into the "Christmas Spirit", no clue why but I just wasn't into it I barely got the tree up and Phil didn't want to do it either.  This year though is a whole other story.  We are super excited to see Pete do the Christmas thing.  He isn't getting a ton but what he is getting (okay from someone other than us, ours is mostly pretty lame) is perfect and he will love it.  He is already trying to attack the presents.  I decided not to use the bows because they always get yanked off first and make the wrapping ugly afterwards.

We have been doing our Advent calendars, Phil has the Star Wars Lego one from last year (thank you clearance) and Pete has a chocolate one along with me.  We aren't doing the Santa thing too much except for the stockings and we have one Santa decoration and only because Pete found it before the box of unused decorations made it back to the basement for storage.  I'm just not into it.  We always did it some but not a ton.  We are probably going to do the same thing.  I see how it can be fun but for us it is just more of a symbol of the consumerist spirit of the season and just another way to guilt people into buying more junk.

This year we are trying something  new for Christmas cards.  We are sending out e-cards from jibjab instead of the traditional ones.  Normally I drop a ton of money on the cards,stamps and pictures to go with them along with the time involved considering our extended family!

Well here is the end project, enjoy!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

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